Mozart Concerto in G or D - Exposition of 2nd movement
One of the ten pieces (student's choice) from the book "Flute music by French composers" (Schirmer/L. Moyse)
One additional work of choice (other than Mozart or the French book)
One movement from a Baroque sonata
Excerpt from Mendelssohn Midsummer Night's Dream plus one additional excerpt
Two contrasting works of different styles or periods (excluding Mozart and Bach)
One movement from a Bach sonata
Stravinsky Variations from Firebird (counting the rests) plus two additional excerpts
* Applicants who pass the prescreening portion of the audition will be invited for a live audition in New York City.
* Auditions are approximately 10 minutes in length (doctoral auditions are approximately 15 minutes in length). Each applicant chooses his/her first work and the faculty will choose a second and possibly third work from the audition repertoire list provided by the applicant.
* AUDITIONS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED. An accompanist is provided free of charge at auditions OR applicants may choose to bring their own accompanist. If applicants wish to rehearse with the School's accompanist BEFORE the audition, rehearsal time and cost should be arranged between the two parties.
Undergraduate Audition Requirements
Graduate Audition Requirements
Doctoral and Professional Studies Audition Requirements
A full-length recital from contrasting style periods including a work from the 20th century, plus four orchestral excerpts
상호: 유명유학원 | 대표자: 배일용 | 주소 : 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 313 성지하이츠1차 1214호 (역삼동 702-13 우. 06151)
Tel. 02-3478-0515 | E-mail.
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