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긴급!!!/ 미국학생비자(F-1)도 인터뷰예약을 해야함

페이지 정보

작성자 유명유학원 작성일05-09-15 11:48 조회1,490회


미국 학생비자도 2003년 6월2일부터 예약을 요구합니다.

예약전화번호: 060-700-2510

영어 원문을 그대로 올립니다. 

As of June 2, 2003 all first-time student (F/M) nonimmigrant visa (NIV) applicants who do not currently qualify for our referral or personal appearance waiver programs and their family members will be interviewed by appointment only. Due to an increasing NIV workload, we can no longer accept first-time F/M applicants on a walk-in basis. We have set aside a certain number of appointments each day for F/M applicants. First-time F/M applicants and their family members must schedule an appointment by calling our NIV appointment toll number at 060-700-2510. Each applicant must schedule an individual appointment. This caller-pays telephone number is available 24 hours a day and offers visa information as well, but it cannot be accessed from outside of Korea, from public pay phones or from U.S. Forces Korea telephone lines.

We will continue to process visa applications as quickly as possible, however, it remains the applicant's responsibility to qualify for a visa in time to meet desired travel plans and program start dates. We ask applicants to fill-out their application forms accurately and completely, submit all the required materials in good order and apply early.

Please regularly check this website for the most current information on visa requirements, application procedures and downloadable forms.

즉, 전화: 060-700-2510 에 전화하여 인터뷰 날짜를 미리 예약을 한뒤에 그날에 인터뷰를 하는 제도로 바뀐것입니다. 이제도는 현재 관광비자에서 이용하는 제도인데... 직접방문인터뷰자가 많아서 그런가 봅니다.

전화예약시 지시대로 하면되고, 학생비자임을 꼭 기억하십시오.

인터뷰예약시, 주민등록번호/전화번호를 입력한뒤에... 나중에 인터뷰예약번호와 날짜를 알려줄것입니다. 예약번호는 꼭...메모해 놓으시기 바랍니다.

비자인터뷰에 차질이 없기를....


상호: 유명유학원 | 대표자: 배일용 | 주소 : 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 313 성지하이츠1차 1214호 (역삼동 702-13 우. 06151)
Tel. 02-3478-0515 | E-mail. iybae85@naver.com
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